Wednesday 2 July 2008

40,000 Jordan LPs poo-pooed

FORTY thousand copies of a cheesy JORDAN and PETER ANDRE CD were found dumped
— and covered in BIRD POO.

Piles of the couple’s flop album A Whole New World were left to rot beneath a
filthy tarpaulin in a leaky storeroom.

It will be seen by many as a fitting end for the duff collection of 12 slushy
love songs.
Chart-ploppers .... Peter Andre and Jordan

Glamour model Jordan, 30, and Pete, 35, were inspired to record the CD in 2006
after warbling a duet of the title track at their wedding.

They murdered a series of tear-jerkers to go with it, including Endless Love,
Islands In The Stream, Cherish and Don’t Go Breaking My Heart.

The album was a titanic disaster with many High Street retailers stuck with
thousands of unsold copies.

Truckloads were returned to distributors.

A Sun reader, who asked not to be named, was stunned when he found the 40,000
unwanted copies of the shocker at Bray Studios in Berks — best known for
Hammer HORROR film productions.
He said: "I pulled back the tarpaulin and couldn’t believe it when I
found all these CDs.
"I thought I’d stumbled on a stash of Coldplay’s new album ready for
sending out, so I was gutted when I saw it was some rubbish Jordan and Peter
Andre tried to get in the charts.

"Many of the CDs were covered in bird crap and had gone mouldy."

Jordan’s spokesman was unavailable for comment last night.